Strategic Transition
We help businesses build the agility to respond to complex challenges. Developing the human structures and relational culture that connects real-world knowledge to the right people, at the right place, at the right time.
John Kotter, noted Harvard Business School professor, says 80% of corporate change management projects fail. Complex business challenges require practical solutions. But unlike the industrial age simple mechanistic, quick fixes don’t work. Organisational transformation requires deeper thinking and the ability to adapt quickly. And most importantly, engaging employees, building trust, and excellent communication.
The Colloquium Group can help your organisation through the painful time of significant change. Sometimes that’s the ‘in-between space’ between CEO appointments, or the restructuring of a business. Changing focus and scope to ensure mission viability and sustainability.
Boards reach a point where they know something must change, but it will be painful. However, they realise that not dealing with these challenges quickly will be more painful (and even endanger the sustainability of the organisation). Many boards get stuck at this point and just hope it will all get better. The avoidance of painful conversations in solving complex challenges can delay board decisiveness. But the problems do not go away, in fact they usually get worse.
The Colloquium Group has deep experience of organisational change within complex, changing environments. We realise that multiple levers nudge healthy change towards organisational goals, particularly within the context of industries operating within the confines of high regulatory compliance. The appropriate application of the levers of culture, strategy, leadership, communication and business systems, produce:
We have helped organisations
though painful transition by serving as
senior consultants, strategic short-term CEO’s,
short-term division heads, senior project managers,
alternate board directors and embedded coaches.
We listen. We identify what our clients want. We co-create solutions. We test our innovations. We do what works. Then… we listen again…
We use the power of conversation to help leaders navigate through the turbulent waters of challenging situations. This deepens communication, builds trust and calms the system — resulting in increased collaboration and productivity.
We lower the anxiety and conflict present in times of change. We use embedded coaching to provide a space of safety, trust and help people move past their reactive emotions to become calmer and forward thinking. This is what helps transformational change become an adventure journey rather than a bottomless pit of stress.
We co-create solutions with key stakeholders. The result is always transformation that has engaged employees, is realistic, practical and more likely to be successful and sustainable.
We use research-oriented and practice-based tools that are grounded in our twenty years of experience in organisational change and leadership development. We believe that Lewin was right when he said “there is nothing as practical as a good theory”. We measure change before-and-after simply and clearly to hit the milestones required.
We get results. We’re not interested in doing things that don’t work. We work when things are broken and stressed and do whatever is necessary to help refresh and revitalise the culture and work behaviour of the group. This is our core business.
Stephen engages in dialogue to help leaders, teams, and boards discover what they really want — and helps them adventure towards their goals.
Strategic Consultant
Martin has over 32 years of experience building technology based businesses; large scale enterprise management systems, data management and analytics, digital engagement, tablet and mobile based applications for the consumer and SME markets.
We enjoy connecting with adventurous leaders who are ready to initiate real change. Contact us so we can learn more about ways to support you and your organisation.